Puppy Classes

All training courses and assessments are postponed until further notice, to give Jax the time to be with her newborn baby.

WildFree Canine offers two different options for puppy classes: Puppy Start Private Classes and Puppy Socialization Class

Want to raise a balanced dog, just like Jax’s pack? The answer is to start as young as possible with the right energy and body language.

In the Puppy Start Private Class Jax works with you and your new puppy on her signature ‘Shadowing’ technique. Shadowing is an exercise that involves creating trust between you and your pup. The result is a shadow effect; a pup who follows your every step; patiently, attentively, and relaxed, accepting and avoiding distractions, without the use of a leash and collar.

Puppy Start Private Classes

Understanding that working with your puppy requires time and commitment, there is a recommendation of 5 or more sessions for you and your puppy.

The Puppy Start Private Class is a one-on-one training session for puppies aged 10 – 14 weeks. Puppy Start Private Classes can take place at the WildFree Canine Farm in Eagle Hill or in-home.

Puppy Start Private Classes at the WildFree Farm are $100/session + GST.

In-home Puppy Start Private Classes are $200/session + travel cost & GST.

Puppy Socialization Class

Are you looking for a fun experience for your new puppy (aged 8 weeks – 9 months) to learn how to socialize with other dogs safely and positively? WildFree Canine’s new Puppy Socialization Class is the perfect option!

Jax works with you and your puppy on how to safety interact with other dogs and how to communicate with one another by using energy and body language. This socialization class is more in depth than normal puppy socialization with a focus on making sure each puppy’s personality type is respected. Part of this is the separation of ages… Puppy Socialization Class will be split into 3 age groups: 8 weeks – 14 weeks, 14 weeks – 5 months, 6 months – 9 months to further encourage safe and respectful play.

Understanding that working with your puppy requires time and commitment, there is a recommendation of 5 or more sessions for you and your puppy.

The Puppy Socialization Class is a social experience and is not available for reactive or behavioural dogs. If your puppy is reactive or displaying other behavioural issues, we’d be happy to discuss other training options, such as the Canine Etiquette Course.

There is a maximum of 10 dogs per class and all classes take place at the WildFree Canine Farm in Eagle Hill. Dates will be announced soon via Newsletter & Social Media.

Puppy Socialization Classes are $50/class + GST.